Welcome to Positive Prayers
Our Goal is to help You live a Positive and Blessed Life!
Inspirational Quotes, Verses of Victory, Positive Prayers, Christian Affirmations!!
Positive Prayers will help you live a Positive and Blessed Life.
Prayer works! Whatever your goals and dreams are, you can do much more With God, than without Him. Jesus said, "with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)."
You must CHANGE your thinking to change your life! Your life will change on the outside, when you change on the INSIDE. Replace negative thinking with Positive Prayers! Replace worldly thinking with scriptural thinking! The Bible says, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)."
God answers Prayer! When prayers go up, blessings come down. Jesus said, "ASK, and it shall be given you."
Look around our website, and Discover the many Blessings that God has for you. We have Bible Verses of Victory, Positive Prayers, and Christian Affirmations to help you succeed. We appreciate you being with us.
Your Friends,
Dr. Jerry and Shannon Fowler
Daily Inspiration Video - Prayers, Verses of Victory, Inspirational Quotes:
- Our Mission is to help people Live a Positive & Blessed Life!
- Memorize the Word, Pray the Word, Speak the Word!
- Change Your Prayers, Change Your Life!
- Simple, Positive, Powerful, Proven