The Lord's Prayer
Notes and concepts on Prayer
The Lord's Prayer in the Bible from Matthew 6:9-13 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art inheaven, Hallowed be thy name. (10) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (11) Give usthis day our daily bread. (12) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (13) And lead us not intotemptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
• I cannot pray "OUR," if my faith is centered only on myself and has no room for others.
• I cannot pray "FATHER," if I have not become God’s child by asking Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.
• I cannot pray "WHICH ART IN HEAVEN," if all of my interests and pursuits only concern earthly things.
• I cannot pray "HALLOWED BE THY NAME," if I am not striving for God's help to live a holy life.
• I I cannot pray "THY KINGDOM COME," if I am unwilling to accept God's rule in my life.
• I cannot pray "THY WILL BE DONE," in the Lord's Prayer, if I am only seeking to please myself and do my own thing.
• I cannot pray "IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN," unless I am ready to totally accept God’s heavenly will in my life.
• I cannot pray "GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD," without being willing to accept God’s blessings and without being willing to work for them when God creates opportunity.
• I cannot pray “AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS,” if I continue to hold a grudge against anyone.
• I cannot pray "AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION," if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted.
• I cannot pray "BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL," if I am not willing to fight evil with my life and my prayer.
• I cannot pray "FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM," if I am unwilling to make Jesus Lord and King of my life.
• I cannot pray "AND (THINE IS) THE POWER,” if I am only seeking power for myself and my selfish desires.
• I cannot pray “AND (THINE IS) THE GLORY," if I am only seeking to take the credit and get the glory for myself.
• I cannot pray 'FOREVER," if I am too impatient to wait for God’s perfect timing in all things.
• I cannot pray "AMEN," unless I can put my prayers into the hands of Jesus and trust Him with everything.