Key 4 for Christian Success:

Key #4 for Christian Success is to YIELD your will to God's will:

God loves you, and has a GREAT life planned for you. Never trade a great life for an average life. God is ready to bless you beyond anything that your mind can imagine.

Yield to God’s perfect will and not just his permissive will. Never give up what you want MOST for what you want now. Good is the enemy of better, and better is the enemy of best. We must say no to the good, to say YES to God’s BEST!

God knows what is best. If multiple opportunities come your way, ask yourself, “What is God’s perfect will and God’s best?”

Dream BIG… then set goals. GOALS are the steps we take to make our dreams come true. They include a change in our habits. Goals are dreams with dates. Write down your goals and stay focused on them. GIVE your goals and dreams to God and expect miracles. The Bible says, “With God ALL things are possible”.

We must say YES to what is right, and not just say yes to what is easy or popular. What is right is not always what is popular, and what is popular is not always what is right.

We must say, “All that I am, and all that I have, are Yours Lord”

When you totally commit to Jesus, He totally commits to you, and your Christian success.

F.R.O.G. = Fully Rely On God!